***PLEASE NOTE: I am currently booked for all outdoor sessions until November 2024. If you would like to be added to my waitlist, please let me know. Last year I had great success in working nearly everyone onto the schedule from the waitlist.***

If you have more questions, fill out the form below so I can help you out.

(Sometimes messages do go to my spam folder, so if you do not hear back from me within two business days, PLEASE contact me directly at kimberly-reid@hotmail.com.)

If you are inquiring on my newborn availability, click on "book now" and access the calendar. If dates show up for the month you are due, it means I still am still accepting newborns for that month. Please book using your due date!!

I look forward to hearing from you!

My studio is located in Pittsboro, IN 46167

Conveniently only a couple miles off of I74